Monday, February 7, 2011


Some says He is JESUS
Some says He is VISHNU BHAGWAN
Some says he lives in the sky
Some says He lives in our very own heart
Some says He is the creator of our destiny and
Some says He has created this BRAMHAND

But do we actually know who HE really is........?????

This subject is contemporary to a flake of my heart. So before my thoughts become rampant and spread like wild fire through the blackouts of your cerebrum I just want to throw some light on the incidents that are responsible for carving my intellect that aided me to share with you all something that is everything to me.
To begin with, firstly I would like to share a part of my personality. I am that sort of a person who very easily gets drowned in the ideals and philosophies of those people whom I consider to be of very high esteem. This crumb of my disposition has many a time tremendously affected my course of actions and in a way is culpable for my dark future too.
It was one such interaction with one of my teacher during my school days that left an ever lasting impression on my mind. In that interaction he simply expressed his views about GOD. In his views there is no such thing like GOD existed in reality and it is just a popular myth having the faith of an infinite number of devotees; rather there is a vast pool of energy in the universe which is a storehouse and a supplier of all the positive and negative energies that affects our day-to-day activities. And like always this time too I fell prey to his thoughts and started believing it without a hitch. But since I belong to a Hindu family I continued worshiping GOD due to family obligations but with the heart of an atheist.
Time passed and I became wiser. It was during my camping period in Kota, I interacted with numerous peers and in one way or the other they all influenced my course of actions but that one talk which is still alive in my heart and soul and which laid the very foundation of this article came from a close friend of mine. His name is Abhishek Sharma. He was almost a roommate of mine and we used to share loads of things. It was during one such discussion he told me about his and his family’s faith in some Guruji and according to him GOD is nothing but our very own parents. We should worship this eternal creation of GOD to get the true blessings of the Almighty. That discussion ended there only but its footprints made a permanent accommodation in my heart and soul. Consequently, these footprints grew into an entire family of imagination and restructured my thoughts that finally led me to come up with this piece of work.
If one goes deep into the dark cave of his brain and muse over the significance and real existence of GOD in our daily lives, he would also find some weight in this editorial. What in reality GOD supposed to do? What are His duties? What part He plays in our upbringing and throughout our lives? If we seriously ponder over all these questions then we would be directed to only one eternal answer.
The answer being that when a baby takes birth from the womb of his mother he is like one flaccid effete thing in this alien world. He takes shelter in the warmth of his mother, his appetite for food is satisfied by his mother’s milk; he is protected from the harsh circumstances of this society by his parents. All of these situations are contemporary to what we expect from GOD when we are in some sort of trouble or pain. It is all of us who pray to GOD to give us a shelter in his blessings, we pray to him to shower on us some benign thoughts to fulfil our appetite for knowledge about this world; it is He only who protects us from the cruelties of this world without even letting us know.
As the baby grows older and steps into his teens all his basic necessities as described by the famous Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs which includes the very essential needs of life like home, food, love, education, security, esteem and self actualization are taken care of by none other than his parents only. It is his parents only who inculcate in him all the good habits and the various cultural traditions of different religions and society so as to make him self-dependent and mature enough to face all types of difficulties in his life and spread the fragrance of the most beautiful flower ever planted on this planet. All these things are exactly similar to what a person expects or desires or prays to receive from GOD throughout his life and even the same set of things that God showers on us all the time. So how could our very own parents be different from what we call GOD.
In my views if there is any GOD then he has made his work very easier by creating the two most beautiful angels in every child’s life; they are his parents and if anyone wants to seek his blessings then he has to do nothing much but only serve his parents or his GODS till the last drop of blood in his veins.

In the end I hope whosoever reads this article atleast posts his/her views on this topic so that I could make out upto what degree all you guys agree with me.